Who We are Are

Who We Are

Duryog Nivaran (DN) is a dynamic research, training, and advocacy network dedicated to strengthening disaster risk reduction and disaster risk mitigation (DRM) across South Asia. Our mission is to enrich the understanding of stakeholders by disseminating research findings, sharing valuable information, and exchanging insights on critical issues in disaster management within the region. Our vision is rooted in transforming perspectives on disasters and vulnerability, advocating for proactive disaster mitigation strategies across South Asian countries.

At the heart of DN’s mission is the promotion of an alternative perspective on disasters, emphasizing that affected communities are active partners in their own resilience and sustainable development. This approach underscores our belief that by addressing underlying vulnerabilities and building resilience, communities can better withstand and recover from disasters.


Promote an alternative perspective on disasters and vulnerability as a basics for disaster mitigation in the South Asian region through research, advocacy and networking.


Reduce communities' susceptibility to disasters and conflict in the South Asian Region.

About us

Established in 1995, Duryog Nivaran was created to bridge the gap in cross-border dialogue and experience sharing among organizations, governmental and otherwise, operating in the world’s most disaster-prone region.

We advocate for an alternative perspective on disasters, whether natural or man-made, viewing affected populations not merely as victims but as partners in their own future development and well-being. At the core of our mission are activities centered around information sharing, fostering a responsible media, conducting research, and promoting grassroots community action.

Our network showcases exemplary models of community-involved disaster management practices across South Asia, derived from hands-on experience in mitigating floods, droughts, earthquakes, and other hazards. This practical knowledge benefits both academics and field workers alike. In 2006, Duryog Nivaran drafted a seminal South Asia Policy Document on disaster risk and its impact on livelihoods, which laid the groundwork for the South Asian Policy Dialogue. Additionally, we published the South Asian Disaster Report, further contributing to regional disaster risk reduction efforts.