
Adapting to the New Normal

Research project was covering the subject area of Re-vitalising the social contract for better accountability and transparence. This was implemented under Asia Foundation Small Grants Programme (October 2021- December 2021).

The aim of the project is to increase participation, collaboration, capacity and accountability among various actors at local level towards disaster risk management, in order to increase the resilience of local systems to the new normal. The approach involves;


1. Scoping and status assignment

2. Designing of a revived local institutional coordination mechanism

3. Implementation or operationalizing of the mechanism

4. Documenting and learning from the experience

The project is being implemented in two divisional secretariats in Trincomalee

National Capacity Building

Developing Guidelines for Mainstreaming Disaster Risk reduction into Development sectors in Sri Lanka

Proposals were called by the disaster management Centre (DMC), Ministry of disaster management of the government of Sri Lanka to develop guidelines for mainstreaming disaster risk reduction into ten Sectors.

The main objectives of this assignment was to develop guidelines to mainstream disaster risk reduction concepts and practice to selected key development sectors, more specifically:

· To enhance understanding and build capacities of decision makers in the selected development sectors on disaster risk and provide guidance to mainstream disaster risk reduction Concepts into development programs

· To understand that “acceptable risk levels” to reduce the impacts of disasters against the Investments

· To enable directing the national resources and development efforts for building resilience to future disasters

Regional Assessment of DRM Institutions in South Asia (Sri Lanka and Maldives)

Duryog Nivaran in partnership with Asian Disaster Preparedness Center (ADPC) contributed to the South Asia Regional assessment of DRM institutions conducted by the World Bank to inform the bank’s investment Portfolio on DRM. The assessments in Sri Lanka and Maldives followed the overall analytical framework used for the regional assessment that aligned with the four priorities of the Sendai Framework for DRR. Methodology of the assessment comprised of a literature review, a National Consultation, selection of priority sectors, in depth sector consultations with the selected priority sectors and analysis of the findings. The final institutional assessment report for Maldives and Sri Lanka with country specific recommendations for DRM institutional strengthening and capacity building is completed in September 2020.

Views From the Frontline survey 2013

Views from the Frontline 2013’ (VFL 2013) is a participatory action-research project undertaken by civil society actors in conjunction with government bodies and local communities. It aims at measuring progress towards the implementation of the Hyogo Framework for Action (HFA) at the local level across.

The Strategic forum with civil society networks: Consultations on a post-2015 framework for disaster risk reduction

The Strategic forum with civil society networks: Consultations on a post-2015 framework for disaster risk reduction was held in Geneva Switzerland from 10th to 11th February. This conference aimed at informing the civil society of the consultative process and identifying opportunities for engagement in the preparation of the